2024 Team Tuition

Current May 12, 2023 – Nb

Valid June 5, 2023, through May 31, 2024

Team tuition is less per hour than instructional classes at Argonne Village, plus all discounts are provided, including multiple siblings, military, and first responder discounts (for tuition and various programs). Discounts do not apply to competition fees, apparel, etc. All tuition is based on hours of training scheduled to attend and is consistent no matter what team or program.

Team Program Monthly Tuition – Applies to Pre-Team, Xcel, USAGDP, Mens, and TNT

3 hours per week $167 monthly tuition
3.5 hours per week $178 monthly tuition
4 hours per week $189 monthly tuition
4.5 hours per week $200 monthly tuition
5 hours per week $211 monthly tuition
5.5. hours per week $222 monthly tuition
6 hours per week $235 monthly tuition
6.5 hours per week $249 monthly tuition
7 hours per week $264 monthly tuition
7.5 hours per week $268 monthly tuition
8 hours per week $295 monthly tuition
8.5 hours per week $306 monthly tuition
9 hours per week $319 monthly tuition
10.5 hours per week $359 monthly tuition
12 hours per week $394 monthly tuition
13 hours per week $405 monthly tuition
13.5 hours per week $409 monthly tuition
14 hours per week $416 monthly tuition
15 hours per week $427 monthly tuition
16 hours per week $439 monthly tuition
17 hours per week $462 monthly tuition
18 hours per week $475 monthly tuition
19 hours per week $486 monthly tuition
20 hours per week $493 monthly tuition

Current May 12 – Nb

For June of 2023, each established team gymnast invited to team for the 2024 season has the option of attending either the full month, or 50%, with tuition being adjusted accordingly. Tuition is NOT pro-rated for times when training is provided, but a gymnast does not attend, but make-up options are provided.