November Team Huddle Notes

Current December 1st, 2023 – MLS

Saturday, December 2
Handstand Hop Kick-Off Meet – Schedule posted!

During the Handstand Hop please do not park in front of any open business. We want to be respectful of the surrounding businesses.

Handstand Hop Volunteer Opportunities (kids and adults)

Holiday Cookie Party at Argonne

December 2nd, 2023; 6:00pm – 8:00pm Holiday party and cookie decorating at Argonne Village.

All team gymnasts are invited.

Holiday Party: Parents can either stay or drop off. Please register in advance

Team Calendar

Details about alternate team pictures:

Team Sleep Over; May 18 at Argonne: Is for all team members. If your child is too young to stay the night they would just have to be picked up by 11 pm.

Team Open Gym

December 9th & 16th will be the last two (2) open gyms of the season.

Holiday Closures

The Team Facility will be closed Monday, December 25th & Monday, January 1st. Please schedule your make ups accordingly.

Jackets & Backpacks

Jackets & Backpacks have been delivered to the printer and should be done soon. We will let you know when they arrive.

Competition schedule updates

The competition links under your team website has been updated with all the information that we have at this time. There are no specific times and dates still, but host hotel, venues, and other information have been updated.

If you cannot attend a meet (in advance or last minute). Please let us know ASAP so we can potentially get another athlete into the competition. Please communicate through the Team App at the competitions. 

There will be plenty of seating at the Handstand Hop for parents, grandparents, etc

Information about Gymnastics Hair at competitions!

Please reference the team competition webpage for Qualifying Scores for each division:

Team App – If you haven’t already, please join right away

Staff Meetings are the 3rd Thursday of each month, plan for the 21st of December:

TNT 5+ will end 15 minutes early

Bronze Springers will end 15 minutes early

Silver Kippers 4:45pm – 7:15pm

Platinum, Diamond, Sapphire Teams 4:30pm – 7:00pm

Olympic Trials are in Minneapolis – June 27 – 30, 2024

Save the dates for Team Camps!