January Team Huddle Notes

Current February 5, 2024 – MLS


For current information about ANY competition, check the website. The only page you need to bookmark is your team page, and there will be links for everything there.

To confirm your child’s registration for a specific competition you may check on team specific web or log into you Spokane Gymnastics account and it will be listed under competitions

At meets arrive at the designated time, no need to arrive super early. Once gymnast are out on the competition floor, they remain with their team and coaches for the entire session, NOT going to their parents. Look for the coach with the stuffed animal. Please do not communicate with your coach or athlete from the stands. Save communications until after the competition.

Team App, chat for specific meets, with only those registered for that meet, so those who are not attending do not get bombarded with messages. Please use the chat feature between 8 am and 9 pm. You may use the team app to message coaches directly.

We will not send out email updates for each meet but will post updates on the website. A lot of times we do not have much advanced information.

There are session times and days for certain meets. Go to your team website and click on the competition link. All session times are tentative, unless it says confirmed on your competition link.

Most competitions will charge an entry fee. If we know what the fee is, then we have posted on the team competition websites. Most accept cash only. Please plan your meet weekend with multiple forms of payment, just in case a venue accepts only a certain type of payment (parking, entrance, concessions, etc).

If you cannot attend a meet (in advance or last minute). Please let us know ASAP so we can potentially get another athlete into the competition. Please communicate through the Team App at the competitions. 

Information about Gymnastics Hair at competitions!

Please reference the team competition webpage for Qualifying Scores for each division: https://spokanegymnastics.com/2024teamcompetitions/

Secret Sibling

If you have secret sibling gift you would like to have delivered at a meet, it will need to be delivered to the service desk at pines the Wednesday before the meet. Please do not hand coaches’ gifts for them to hand out at the meets.

Team Calendar


Team Sleep Over; May 18 at Argonne: Is for all team members. If your child is too young to stay the night they would just have to be picked up by 11 pm.

Team Open Gym

There are no more Team Open Gym’s during the meet season.

Team App

Team App – If you haven’t already, please join right away

3rd Thursday Trainings

Staff Meetings are the 3rd Thursday of each month, plan for the February 15, 2024:

TNT 5+ will end 15 minutes early

Bronze Springers will end 15 minutes early

Silver Kippers 4:45pm – 7:15pm

Platinum, Diamond, Sapphire Teams NO TRAINING – make-up provided on February 21

Olympic Trials are in Minneapolis – June 27 – 30, 2024

Save the dates for Team Camps!