Priority Registration
Winter Class Priority Registration
Tuesday, November 5 at 7:00am
You may either call 533-9646 or 315-5433, visit the service desk, or register online. When enrolling online, please use the password provided when checking out. Please do not give your code to others or register siblings not presently taking classes at Spokane Gymnastics.
General registration (for those not registered in Fall Session of classes) opens a week after priority registration, on November 12 at 7:00am.
Those with priority registration have a full week to select their preferred class before registration opens to the public.
Families with students who should move up will be updated before priority registration opens. The coaches assess students throughout each class. If you have questions about skill charts or elements that your child should focus on at home, please speak directly with your child’s coach or contact the service desk. We will continue to challenge all students so they are learning new skills and progressing, but our highest priority is the safety and wellness of your child.
Your email address is your login, and if you have not already, you may set up a password for your account. Please note, if you create a new account and we already have you in our system, this will create duplicate accounts, and you may be charged again for the annual membership fee. Please do NOT set up a new account. We are happy to assist you with resetting your password, or with registration.
Priority registration is a courtesy extended to students currently enrolled in session classes (not camps). This is to provide first opportunity for that student to enroll in the same or choose a preferred alternative option. Priority registration students are given a full week to enroll in the upcoming session of classes before general registration is available to the public.
Many classes fill within MINUTES of registration opening, so if you are set on a specific day, time, or coach, the best strategy is in person at Spokane Gymnastics or online right at 7:00 am. We have four phone-lines being answered, and assist everyone and register students as efficiently as possible, but many times, the lines are extremely difficult to get through, and you might experience hours of receiving a busy signal.
The priority registration password is provided via email to families with students currently enrolled in classes the day before priority registration opens.
Priority registration is ONLY for students currently enrolled in classes; please do not provide the password to others or register siblings not presently taking classes at Spokane Gymnastics.
Sign up on Tuesday, November 5, for our Winter Session of classes, December 9, 2024 – March 22, 2025.
General registration (for all children not currently enrolled in CLASSES at Spokane Gymnastics, including siblings, opens one week after priority registration on November 12, 2024).